Biophysical Dissection of Isolated GPCRs: The Adenosine A2A Receptor under the Bistouries
In an effort to provide an overview of the biophysical approaches used to study G-protein-coupled receptors, we chose to consider the adenosine A2A receptor as a model, as it is widely reported in the literature to explore the way GPCRs are studied nowadays. After a brief introduction of the receptor, we gathered descriptions of the various tools used to investigate the pharmacology and structure of the A2A receptor. We began by describing the key developments which have led to successful studies of GPCRs including the cloning, expression and purification of A2A, and the subsequent characterizations including quality control, binding and functional studies that have been necessary for the further understanding of the receptor. Then, we reviewed the reconstitution of A2A into nanodiscs as well as the use of this biological material in structural mass spectrometry, NMR, calorimetry and various other approaches to gain not only information about the structure and function of A2A, but also the dynamics of the receptor and the tools necessary to pursue such investigations. The body of techniques presented herein are applicable to all GPCRs amenable to purification.
adenosine receptor A 2A biophysical approach NMR mass spectrometry molecular pharmacology expression purification reconstitution ligands techniques review
adenosine receptor A 2A
biophysical approach
mass spectrometry
molecular pharmacology
Life Sciences [q-bio]Origin | Publication funded by an institution |