Influence of teachers’ political orientation and values on their success prediction toward students from different socioeconomic background
Introduction. – Teachers tend to develop negative expectations and behaviours towards students coming
from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
Objective. – The objective of this study was to test the influence of teacher political orientation, as well
as their attachment to power and universalism values, on their predictions of academic success towards
students from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
Method. – Eighty-eight high school teachers (Mage = 38.04 years; 44.3% men) responded to a questionnaire
of political ideology and values, as well as to a questionnaire evaluating their prediction of success towards
male high school students from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
Results. – Teachers predicted a better academic success for students coming from a high socioeconomic
background. Despite relatively small effect size, political ideology, as well as attachment to power and
universalism values, predicted the bias of judgment.
Conclusion. – Taking into consideration teachers’ ideology and values would deepen understanding of
processes underlying expectations development