Research Team: Etudes sur les NOrmes Sociales et sur les Identités Sociales (ENOSIS)
Scientific activities are structured by two axes of research:
- Axis 1 includes several complementary research actions. A first series of research carried out and in progress has the specificity of showing that the judgment we make on a daily basis about people, particularly regarding their personalities, depends on social and normative factors. In addition to their actual behavior and their own motivations, people are judged based on the social utility of their actions, which does not depend on them. Other work shows that the expression of emotions and suffering at work is subject to normative factors which partly determine which emotion will be expressed.
- The aim of axis 2 is (1) to study the social aspects of personal identity and (2) to show that social memory intervenes in the interpretation of past events and that it participates in the construction of a social identity. Regarding the first goal, the approach defended aims to understand the construction of certain aspects of individual identity such as body image. Regarding the second goal, the current work seeks to highlight that the memory of historical events provides frameworks for interpreting present events and guides the judgment we make towards people who display a selective memory concerning the pass.